
RS-62 II家庭音箱

发布时间:2016-08-19 14:03:37点击率:

RS-62 II家庭音箱

Reference 系列 RS-62 II 把各个细节表现无遗,让您体验环绕声的真实冲击和愉悦。 您能感觉到直升机在头顶盘旋,或者那些可怕怪异的脚步声正在靠近。
• 一流Reference 系列 环绕音箱
• 在座椅上欣赏就能感受的激情
• 声音流畅萦绕
• 高效设计,能耗低输出强
• 两个1英寸钛合金带号角高音单元,两个6.5英寸高输出低音单元
• 尺寸: 15" 高 x 14.75" 宽 x 9.75" 深
• 带孔的支架和双线衬垫使安装更简单
• 光洁时尚的箱体

RS-62 II 应用了杰士的专利Tractrix® Horn技术,发声精确纯净有力。黑色聚乙烯表面使得RS-52 II能搭配任何家居装饰。
第五代的Reference II 扬声器使您获得更满意品质更好的声音。重新设计的驱动加上新的分频系统把您深深迷住,令您情绪高涨。 改进过的外观包括黑色金属材料的挡板,陶瓷的低音单元,新的 logo和脚钉,为绝妙音质的Reference II 系列更添妆容。

早在1946年公司创立的时候,创始人Paul W. Klipsch坚信完美声音的四条原则是:高效率低失真;可控的定向功能,稳定的频率响应和宽广的动态范围。他们一直以来都是刚劲有力精准绝妙声音的基础!

• Reference扬声器都应用了杰士Tractrix® Horn技术,声音形象逼真,节能高效,稳定性高,减少失真,声音宽广,外形美观。
• 轻便却坚硬的陶瓷低音椎盆经过铝的特殊处理后,能有效防止失真,隔音效果更好。
• 钛合金的高音单元延续了杰士旗舰产品Palladium系列的线性悬浮移动技术,产生宽广自然的声音,感觉就像在演播室录音或者在录影棚拍片一样。
• 独有的宽分散环绕技术使 无论环绕音箱摆放在哪里,声音都能现场本地化。
• 强化的分频器频率使同轴异轴一体化。


频率响应: 50Hz-24KHz ± 3dB
灵敏度: 97dB @ 2.83V / 1m
额定功率: 150W RMS / 600W Peak
额定阻抗: 8 Ohms compatible
低频单元: Dual 6.5" (16.5cm) Cerametallic cone woofers
高频分频点: 1300Hz
箱体类型: Bass-reflex via quad side-firing ports
输入: Single binding posts
高度: 15" (38.1cm)
宽度: 16.3" (41.5cm)
深度: 9.2" (23.4cm)
重量: 22.7lbs (10.3kg)
安装: Keyhole bracket and quad 1/4"-20 threaded inserts
颜色: Matte Black vinyl

Uncovering every last drop of detail, the Reference Series RS-62 II lets you experience the true impact and exhilaration of surround sound. Let’s just say you’ll think that helicopter is hovering overhead or those eerie footsteps are coming right for you.
• Top Reference Series surround speaker
• Best in edge-of-your-seat excitement
• Delivers smooth coverage and enveloping ambient sounds
• Highly efficient design produces more output using less energy
• Dual 1" titanium horn-loaded tweeters
• Dual 6.5" high-output woofers
• Dimensions: 15" H x 14.75" W x 9.75" D
• Keyhole bracket and dual threaded inserts for easy installation
• Sleek, contemporary cabinet

A Legend in Sound
The RS-62 II is complete with our proprietary Tractrix® Horn technology which produces a unique combination of precision, clarity and effortless power. Finished beautifully with matte black vinyl, the RS-62 II is guaranteed to complement any décor.

New and Improved
Now in its fifth generation, Reference II speakers have even more content and superior sound quality for you to enjoy. You’ll find re-engineered drivers throughout combined with a new crossover system that will capture your complete attention and excite your emotions. Improved cosmetics, including black metallic finished baffles, cerametallic woofers, new logos and feet, redefine the look of “big sound” throughout the line.

Four Laws of the Klipsch Universe
Beginning in 1946, company founder, Paul W. Klipsch believed four principles to be the foundation for great sound. Together, these four design principles—high efficiency with low distortion, controlled directivity, flat frequency response, and wide dynamic range—have and always will be the foundation for our stunningly powerful and precise sound.

• Every Reference speaker utilizes our Tractrix® Horn technology for lifelike sound, more output using less energy, improved reliability, reduced distortion and a large soundstage with well-defined imaging.
• Our light, yet rigid Cerametallic woofer cones feature specially treated aluminum to help better dampen and prevent distortion.
• Titanium tweeter with linear travel suspension—trickle-down technology from our flagship Palladium Series—provides an open, natural sound, making you feel as if you’re in the studio with the recording artist or on the set of a film.
• Exclusive Wide Dispersion Surround Technology (WDST) enables surrounds to reproduce localized and ambient sounds with unlimited placement flexibility.
• Enhanced crossover frequencies offer smoother on-axis and off-axis integration.


SENSITIVITY: 97dB @ 2.83V / 1m
NOMINAL IMPEDANCE: 8 Ohms compatible
LOW FREQUENCY DRIVER: Dual 6.5" (16.5cm) Cerametallic cone woofers
ENCLOSURE TYPE: Bass-reflex via quad side-firing ports
INPUTS: Single binding posts
HEIGHT: 15" (38.1cm)
WIDTH: 16.3" (41.5cm)
DEPTH: 9.2" (23.4cm)
WEIGHT: 22.7lbs (10.3kg)
MOUNTING: Keyhole bracket and quad 1/4"-20 threaded inserts
FINISH: Matte Black vinyl

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